DUII defense ranges in price based on several factors. Typically, the cost will range from $5000 to $10,000 if the case is resolved without going to trial. The cost may rise exorbitantly if the case proceeds to trial. The cost increase is based on the lawyer’s hourly rate and the amount of time needed for trial preparation and trial.

Some lawyers may take your case on a flat fee basis instead of at an hourly rate. For example, the lawyer may charge you $5000 to handle your case from start to finish, regardless of how much time it takes. When this is the case, you should ask the lawyer if they will be requesting and trying DMV hearing, and when the representation of you for the DUII offense will be finished. This is because some lawyers will not request a DMV hearing, and some will get you into a DUII diversion program and be done while others will continue to represent you throughout the diversion in case you have any difficulties before the period is over with.

  • Legal fees can vary widely, and it’s one of the first things many defendants want to know.